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Is there any connection between life-affirmation, fear of death, and immune power? Oh, yes.

Fear of death can be an underlying stressor in the subconscious, which can lead to insecurity and, interestingly, fear of life. Unfortunately, this fear casts a shadow over the lives of many people, and most of the time we are unaware of it. But it influences, if not governs, our beliefs, our priorities, our values, our choices, and decisions all along, thus shaping the landscape and quality of our lives.

One day a distant friend of mine was losing her sister to cancer, leaving behind two young children. She told me about her sister’s many things that we usually do not mention when somebody is just doing fine in the course of time. She told me about her goodness, strengths, talents, potential, and her fears, insecurities, and things that held her back from being actively true to herself. I saw a not even middle-aged woman in my mind’s eye, one who compromised her life based on false beliefs, sort of escaping life. Now, she had a few hours to go…

We hung up the phone and I stared into infinity. This poem, or a statement, came to me as I was reflecting on those who are afraid of life, who choose not to speak about their feelings and views, who do not value themselves for any and many reasons, who pay too big a price for a “normal” compromise. I also thought of all those who are afraid of passing (away) and who don’t know what will happen to them or their loved ones after their last breath.

And we take birth And we exit. But always – we are. We never cease to exist.

 Kripāmaya A.K., February 2018

  The soul, the consciousness, cannot cease; it is without birth and death. Fear of death is based on false beliefs and lack of knowledge, and it is an underlying stress factor in the subconscious. This fear can become strong, especially in hard or challenging times, limiting coping mechanisms, creative thinking, self-confidence, faith in life, and more. Consequently, it has a weakening effect on the immune system, the digestive system, and the whole metabolism. Hear about the soul. Hear about consciousness. Open your heart and horizons by at least considering the idea of regarding yourself as something much more than your body and mind…  
Kripāmaya A.K. Holistic Mentor, Certified Eating Psychology Coach

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