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Legal Notice

Kripāmaya Mentoring e.U.

(FN 559427m) 


Ms. Anna Kocsis, (Kripāmaya), private person

Amalie-Seidel-Weg 3/1/603

1120 Vienna 


Commercial register number: 559427m

Service description : Human energetics

Company court: Commercial Court Vienna

Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Law)

Municipal District Office of the XII. District

Legal form:
Sole proprietorship UID number:

VAT exempt


Telephone: +43 (0)664 9988 9726 



Purpose and content of the website:


The purpose and content of the website is to rise awareness on holistic health and self-care, sustainably.


Providing and presenting the services offered by Kripāmaya Mentoring and sharing information, offering guidance and best practices for general well-being to those interested.



The sole purpose of the articles on this website, including the blog posts, is to provide information and inspiration. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease, and does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. 


Access to the legal regulations:

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: 
You can also address any complaints to the e-mail address given above.


All contents of the homepage/website are legally protected. The use, duplication and modification of the content / texts, images etc. requires the written approval of the website operator. The pure linking to all contents of this homepage is permitted and does not require any special approval, provided that the source reference is set in the form of a link and the corresponding labeling.

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