"Your life is sacred"
You are at the right place,
- if you believe that you have the right to feel good in your body and your whole life;
- if you want to take your well-being into your own hands and you need clear, simple guidance and uplifting encouragement;
- if you feel, you have suffered enough and now you are ready for a change;
- if you are looking for a source of inspiration, and trustworthy, positive information;
- if you want real, lasting solutions to your challenges with food, stress-eating, overeating, binge-eating
- if you are on a spiritual path and other health- and helping professionals, coaches, just don't get you
With a completely new approach to body-mind-soul relationship, nutrition and health, I will help you make a lasting change with natural methods, so you can finally feel good again!
Hi, I am Kripāmaya -
Welcome on my home page!
Certified Mind-Body Eating Coach
Dipl. Psycho-Pedagogue
Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher
I can help you to resolve your issues with stress-eating, emotional-eating and overeating, and more!
I work with busy women who want to have peace with food and their body.
I am also here for you if you are a yoga and/or meditation practitioner as I have “that” other aspect – I can get you!

I help people like you
stress eating, emotional eating, overeating, chronic dieting, meal skipping ...

I also help
stress overload, mood issues, sensitivity, lack of self-confidence, loss of inspiration, sadness, grief, or a near death experience (NDEs).

I can teach you
and bring about lasting results. How to make peace with life that can allow beautiful changes to come into your experience...

I guide you
to appreciate yourself, to find your voice, to get your enthusiasm back, to reconnect with your inner resources from where you can embrace life again.
- feel better in your skin and you are more confident;
- have more energy, more peace-of-mind, know how to relax and when to rest;
- know what and when to eat to feel stronger, to think clearer;
- enjoy your meals and have no fear of food;
- are over with starving, or constantly counting calories;
- cultivate habits that are nurturing your self-esteem;
- experience more love and appreciation in all area of your life;
- are more effective and successful in your professional life ;
- access your talents and potentials, meditate better ...
… for the joy of your own self and of the world

Access my free
to get a clear picture on what is ‘integral’ and ‘holistic health’;
Why it is important to take charge of your well-being; Why it is good to adopt an integral and holistic approach for this purpose.

Enroll in the
to learn Eating for Energy, Enjoyment & Weight Loss
'Easy to follow and use- methods to bring powerful changes into your body and being - meaningful, lasting and deep.

Enroll in the
to be free of guilt, self-denial or self-criticizm.
ENJOY more calm, harmony and fulfilment, and a higher level of well-being, through a more loving relationship to yourself.
Are you ready to open a new chapter in your life and write this chapter about making your life worthy and sacred?
You don’t have to do it alone.
You can shorten the path to your goals and well-being with my programs.
Schedule your complimentary 30-minute
Instant-Guidance Mini-Session here
Online reservation
Book your session here, and we will confirm your reservation via email.
Please mention your current time zone or the country you are contacting from.
Thank you!
We take care of your personal data with utmost care, as we would take care of our own personal data.
They say...

“Your knowledge of mind-body nutrition is rooted in life-wisdom and love. You can facilitate insight, orientation and development in challenging times.
I highly recommend you as a coach.”

“I’m calmer, more confident and I start believing in myself, in my opportunities and life again.
Thank you Kripāmaya.”

“I recommend everyone to contact you who want to learn how to focus on their inner voice, how to look a little inward, how to listen to their intuitions and their feelings.”

“Already at the first meeting, it was clear the kind of attention, patience, and acceptance she was mapping my current state out with. The harmony and love that emanates from her, her mere presence, creates a space in which I can open up with full confidence.”
Questions & Answers
I help people to restore their joyful, wholesome relationship with food and eating.
My approach is positive and empowering. I don’t see your eating challenges merely as a sign that “something is wrong with you” – but as a place where we can more fully explore some of the personal dimensions in life that impact food, eating, lifestyle and well-being.
Oftentimes, our eating challenges are connected to work, money, relationship, family, intimacy, life stress, and so much more. By working on the places that are most relevant for you, success is more easily achieved. I look to support you with coaching strategies and nutrition principles that are nourishing, doable, sustainable, and that yield results.
I trained at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating (IPE), Colorado, USA, the world’s leading school in Nutritional Psychology, where I received my certification in Mind Body Nutrition and Dynamic Eating Psychology.
In IPE’s internationally acclaimed program, I learned powerful cutting-edge tools and protocols that enable me to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, emotional and stress eating, and a variety of nutrition related health concerns, such as digestion, fatigue, mood, immunity, and others.
Dynamic Eating Psychology is an important new field originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It’s a positive, empowering, and transformational approach that’s designed for anyone who eats.
Each of us has a unique, fascinating, and ever changing relationship with food.
Dynamic Eating Psychology affirms the primary importance of this relationship. It sees our challenges with eating, weight, and health not as an indication that we’re broken, but as a beautiful opportunity to grow and evolve.
Previously, eating psychology has been limited to those with clinical eating disorders. Dynamic Eating Psychology, though, is for everyone. It affirms that our relationship with food has important lessons to teach us if we choose to listen. And it recognizes that our challenges with eating, weight, and health are intimately connected to other primary life dimensions – relationship, family, work, intim relationships, our search for meaning and fulfillment, and so much more.
Dynamic Eating Psychology is a powerful breakthrough approach.
Mind Body Nutrition is an exciting and timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psychophysiology of how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs impact nutritional metabolism and health. Originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, it goes far beyond classical nutrition by focusing on the fascinating connections between brain, body, and behavior. Simply put: What we eat is only half of the story of good nutrition. The other half is who we are as eaters.
The Coaching I have been trained in is an exciting and cutting edge approach developed by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It effectively addresses weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, and various nutrition related health concerns.
In my holistic mentoring practice, you come across an approach that views and serves the whole human being as an integrated unity of interconnected parts.
It is the harmonious and dynamic unity of body, mind, heart, and soul that leads us to true self-knowledge and healing.
In other words: The holistic (whole-istic) view looks at the full complexity of the human being, that is, the physical and social environment in which one lives, influencing one’s bodily/physical, mental/intellectual, psychic/emotional, spiritual/soul aspects.
Uplifting and nourishing
I will help you to achieve your goals by using methods that are both uplifting and nourishing for both the body and the soul, techniques tailored for you, rather than self-punishing or self-restrictive programs.
Clearing up the confusion
For far too long, we’ve been inundated by negative messages about food, weight, and diet. We’ve been told that we’re willpower weaklings or that we need more control. Too many nutrition experts promote conflicting advice. The result is people are confused about what to eat, and how to have a happy relationship with food and a healthy metabolism.
The freedom of opportunities
By eliminating all the “shoulds and shouldn’ts”, I focus on what’s right for your body and your personal style. As we work together in this way, eating and health issues become a place of exploration. Instead of seeing such challenges as the enemy, they become opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
Optional tools
In my professional practice, I combine many of the best strategies from nutrition science and eating psychology. I apply as well, as optional tools, the Spiritual Response Technique and the Emotional Freedom Technique with excellent results.
I assist you in rapidly erasing the psychological programming keeping you stuck in sub-optimal health – and instead re-educate yourself to automatically gravitate towards food, habits, and lifestyle choices that nourish your body.
A space for you to grow
As I get to know you, I will get a vision or sense of your best or higher “version”, and besides your goals, this will give direction to me in my work with you.